Watch amazing world of gumball episode 78
Watch amazing world of gumball episode 78

When Gumball and Darwin are launched at Hector's butt, Gumball disappears for a couple of split seconds.In the scene where Tina is catching the steak, Leslie's petals very briefly change from blue to pink.In the shot where Gumball smiles at Darwin, the other characters in the background are missing.The only characters that seem to be absent in this episode is Sussie, Anais, Penny.Fragile, Splatty, and the Purple Guy are in this episode but were scrapped in the final series.The name originated by Bocquelet thinking of things a child would randomly have in his pocket.Also, the background of the credits is the sky instead of space (which may imply that the show was originally intended to simply be titled Gumball). However, at the end of the episode, it simply says Gumball instead of The Amazing World of Gumball. In this episode, the opening credits are not shown.Darwin's CGI model can be seen in the background of the Void in the episode of the same name.


Darwin bears a slight resemblance to Nemo from the movie Finding Nemo.Also, it may be implied that he is a student rather than a custodian, which he is in the series.Rocky appears to have an allergic reaction to pollen.Gumball and Darwin build a Rube Goldberg machine in an attempt to escape from school. It was produced in 2008 and was uploaded on YouTube by Ben Bocquelet on January 18, 2013. Gumball appears to be very intelligent in this video, judging by the plan drawn out in chalk. The pilot episode of The Amazing World of Gumball was never aired on TV.Ben Bocquelet uploaded the video to his Twitter, two years after it was created.It was also implied when Teri was blown under the girls' bathroom, and the girls screamed.According to the plan drawn in chalk by Gumball, Teri was originally a boy.This idea may have been reused in "The Storm.".In this episode, Masami kisses Alan (who does not object), but in the actual series, it has been shown that Carmen and Alan love each other.Jake Pratt also voices Darwin in this episode.However, in the actual series, Logan Grove does the voice of Gumball in Seasons 1-2, and most of "The Kids," Jacob Hopkins does the voice of Gumball in the ending of "The Kids," Seasons 3-4, and most of "The Copycats," and Nicolas Cantu does the voice of Gumball in the ending of "The Copycats," from Season 5 onwards. Nicky Jones, famous for the voice acting on the show Chowder as the titular character, voices Gumball in this episode.A link to Gumball's 2007-2008 designs that were used in this episode can be found below.Many characters use old designs in this episode, making this, "The Mystery", "The Curse", "The Joy", and "The Void" the only episodes in which characters use old designs.However, the episode was not on the fourth DVD either.Ben Bocquelet said he might add the episode as a special feature on a possible upcoming The Amazing World of Gumball DVD release if another one comes out since it did not make the first, second, or third one. Gumball tells a story about Gargaroth the Devourer during show and tell, but the class doesn't believe him until Carrie fakes a scary haunting.On January 18, 2013, it was re-uploaded by Ben Bocquelet. It was uploaded to YouTube in 2010, but Cartoon Network took it down due to copyright reasons.Many characters make a debut in this episode.This is also the series' final season.Gumball and Darwin build a Rube Goldberg machine in an attempt to escape from school. Unlike the first five seasons, it had 22 episodes (44 segments). It premiered on Septemin the US during season four's run. It premiered on Jin the US and ended on October 27, 2016, over a year later.Ī fifth season was green-lit on June 2, 2014. It premiered on Jin the US, and premiered September 2014 in the UK and ended on August 6, 2015, a little over a year later.Ī fourth season was green-lit on J. The season began on Augand ended on December 3, 2013, over a year later.Ī third season was green-lit on October 5, 2012. The show was renewed for a second season two months before the show had premiered in the US. The world premier of the show was on in the UK with the episode " The Mystery". Gumball and Darwin challenge Dad to a lazy-off. Gumball goes to school in a dress and becomes the darling of Elmore High. When it turns out the refrigerator is also a magical storage facility for childhood emotions and memories, it makes sense that Richard is having a hard time letting go. This doesn't go down too well with Richard, as it's his favorite possession. The first season premiered in the US on and ended Maalmost a year later. Gumball and Darwin babysit Anais responsibly, whilst irresponsibly flooding the house. Nicole has decided it's time to throw out the family's refrigerator.

Watch amazing world of gumball episode 78